Scream-A-Day No.5 – MASTERS OF HORROR (TV Series)

Actually, there are about 26 screams included in this SCREAM-A-DAY.  Showtime’s MASTERS OF HORROR series gave some of the best horror directors a chance to do a one hour story for each episode.  The series aired from 2005 to 2007.  I caught many of them on Netflix a few years ago.  But, Surprise!! They are on HULU now for free (not the HULU PLUS joint).

Some of the episodes were disturbing and creepy.  Some were just fun.  And some were meh.  But I mean, come on… Deer Woman?  How can you not get curious about that?  I guess it depended on the director.  Horror greats like John Carpenter, Dario Argento, John Landis, Takashi Miike, Tobe Hooper and others all added to the mix.  Not all of them were good, but that might also depend on your perspective.  Anyway, the series is worth seeing.  But be warned, it is SHOWTIME.  It’s not a show for kids, unless you want them to grow up warped.  In fact, I should give you all fair warning.  Jennifer and Imprint might warp YOU!  Just check out the freaked out trailer… you’ll get the idea.

Again, check it out on HULU and tell me what you think.


C'mon, Talk to Geek Soul Brother...